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* indicates published within a journal/magazine with only editorial review.


Engel, M.T.; Bath, A.; Vaske, J.J. 2021. Ocean imagery relates to people's cognitions and pro-environmental behaviours. Journal of Environmental Psychology.


Dabon, C.; Bath, A.; Engel, M.T. Under Review. Understanding lethal management toward coyotes (Canis latrans) on the island portion of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Wildlife Biology.


Kainz, S.; Bath, A.; Armstrong, M.; Engel, M.T. Under Review. What are visitors seeking for at Făgăraș Mountains, Romania? Tourism Management Perspectives.


Engel, M. T.; Vaske, J.J.; Bath, A. (2020). Value orientations and beliefs contribute to the formation of a marine personal norm. Journal for Nature Conservation,


Will, A., Sponarski, C. and A.J. Bath. In preparation. Understanding Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal beliefs and attitudes toward wood bison management: A case study of Wood Buffalo National Park of Canada. Human Dimensions of Wildlife.


Aastrup, M.L., Doney, E.D., Bath, A.J. and T.C. Seaton. Under review. The influence of self-assessed skill level on segmented hunting motivations in Alaska, USA. J. of Outdoor recreation and tourism.


Bishop, B., Vaske, J.J. and Bath, A. J. 2019. Resident cognitions associated with branding Thompson, Manitoba as the Wolf Capital of the World. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2020.1683656.


McCrea-Consorte et al. 2019. Large carnivores and zoos as catalysts for engaging the public in the protection of biodiversity. Nature Conservation, doi: 10.3897/natureconservation.@@.39501.


Hogan, J., Sponarski, C. and A.J. Bath. 2019. All-Terrain Vehicles: Differences in Perceptions of Impact on Coastal Dunes Among Communities in New Brunswick, Canada. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism.


Glikman, J. A., Ciucci, P., Marino, A. Davis, E.O, Bath, A. J. and L. Boitani. 2019. Local attitudes toward Apennine brown bears: insights for conservation issues. Conservation Science and Practice.


Sponarski, C., Vaske, J.J., Bath, A. J. and TA Loeffler. 2019. Retaining change in attitudes and emotions toward coyotes using experiential education. Wildlife Research.


Doney, E.D, Vaske, J.J., Bath, A. J., Engel, M.T. and B. Downer. 2019. Predicting acceptance of lethal management of wood bison in Alaska, USA. Ambio.


Doney, E.D., Bath, A.J. and Vaske, J.J. 2018. Understanding conflict and consensus regarding wood bison management in Alaska, USA. Wildlife Research. 45:229-236.


Ward, B.M., Doney, E.D., Vodden, K. and A.J. Bath. 2018. The importance of beliefs in predicting support for a south coast national marine conservation area in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Ocean and coastal management. 162:6-12.


Consorte-McCrea, A., Nigbur, D. and A.J. Bath. 2017. Implications of teenagers’ attitudes toward maned wolf conservation in Brazil. Canid Biology and Conservation. 20(5):16-24.


Engel, M., Vaske, J.J., Bath, A.J. and S. Marchini. 2017. Attitudes toward jaguars and pumas and the acceptability killing Big Cats in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: An application of the potential for Conflict Index 2. Ambio. 1-9. DOI 10.1007/s13280-017-0898-6.


Hazzah, L., Bath, A.J., Dolrenry, S., Dickman, A. and L. Frank. 2017. From attitudes to actions: Predictors of lion killing by Maasai Warriors. Plos One. 1-13. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0170796.


Engel, M., Vaske, J.J., Bath, A.J. and S. Marchini. 2016. Predicting acceptability of jaguars and pumas in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 1-18. DOI 10/1080/10871209.2016.1183731.


Sponarski, C.C., Vaske, J.J., Bath, A.J. and T.A. Loeffler. 2016. Changing Attitudes and Emotions toward Coyotes with Experiential Education. The Journal of Environmental Education.1-11. DOI 10.1080/00958964.2016.1158142.


Frank, B., Glikman, J.A., Sutherland, M. and A.J. Bath. 2016. Predictors of extreme negative feelings toward coyote. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 1-14. DOI 10.1080/10871209.2016.1151965


Frank B., Monaco A. and A.J. Bath. 2015. Beyond standard wildlife management: a pathway to encompass human dimension findings in wild boar management. European Journal of Wildlife Research. 1-8. DOI 10.1007/s10344-015-0948-y


Sponarski, C.C., Vaske, J.J. and A.J. Bath. 2015. The role of Cognitions and Emotions in human-coyote interactions. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 20(3):238-244.


Sponarski, C.C., Vaske, J.J. and A.J. Bath. 2015. Differences in management action acceptability for coyotes in a national park. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 39(2):239-247


Sponarski, C.C., Vaske, J.J. and A.J. Bath. 2015. Attitudinal differences among residents, park staff and visitors toward coyotes in Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia, Canada. Society and Natural Resources. 28:720-732.


Waight, C. and A.J. Bath. 2014. Factors influencing attitudes among all-terrain vehicle users on the island portion of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. Vol. 5-6: 27-36.


Waight, C. and A.J. Bath. 2014. Recreation specialization among ATV users and its relationship to environmental attitudes and management preferences on the island of Newfoundland. Leisure Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Journal 36(2):161-182.


Sponarski, C.C., Bath, A.J., Vaske, J.J. and M. Musiani. 2014. Salient Values, Social Trust, and attitudes toward Wolf Management in Southwestern Alberta, Canada. Environmental Conservation. Vol. 1: 1-8.


Sponarski, C., Semeniuk, C., Glikman, J.A., Bath, A.J. and M. Musiani. 2013. Heterogeneity among rural resident attitudes toward wolves, Human Dimensions of Wildlife 18(4): 239-248.


Frank, B. and A.J. Bath. 2012. Does it matter where people live? Wildlife management across protected area boundaries. J. Science and Management of Protected Areas Vol. 1: 12-21.


Glikman, J.A., Vaske, J.J., Bath, A.J., Ciucci, P. and L. Boitani. 2012. Residents’ support for wolf and bear conservation: the moderating influence of knowledge. European Journal of Wildlife Research. Vol. 58: 295-302.


Glikman, J., Bath, A.J. and J. Vaske 2010. Segmenting Normative Beliefs regarding Wolf Management in Central Italy, Human Dimensions in Wildlife Management 15(5):347-358.


Decker, S. and A.J. Bath. 2010. Public versus expert opinions regarding public involvement processes used in resource and wildlife management Conservation Letters 1-10


*Bath, A. J. 2010. Human Dimensions: Working in conflict zones toward a trans-boundary peace park. UKWCT Wolf Print 39: 20-22.


Majic, A. and A.J. Bath. 2010.  Monitoring and documenting changes in Croatian attitudes toward wolves. Biological Conservation 143: 255-260.


Decker, S. and A.J. Bath. 2010. The Return of the King or Bringing Snails to the Garden? The Human Dimensions of a proposed restoration of European bison (Bison bonasus) in Germany. Restoration Ecology. 18(1): 41-51.


Rosen, T. and A.J. Bath. 2009. Transboundary management of large carnivores in Europe: From incident to opportunity. Conservation Letters 2: 109-114.


*Bath, A.J. 2009. Human Dimensions: Working with people toward effective conservation. UKWCT Wolf Print 37: 8-10.


Bath, A.J., Olszanska, A. and O’Karma, H. 2008. From a human dimensions perspective, The unknown large carnivore:  Public attitudes toward Eurasian lynx in Poland. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 13(1):31-46


Bath, A.J. and J. Enck. 2003.  Wildlife-human interactions in Canadian and U.S. national parks. Social Science Research Review. Volume 4 (1): 1-32. U.S. National Park Service. Washington, DC.


Zeiler, H., A. Zedrosser and A.J. Bath. 1999. Attitudes of Austrian hunters and Vienna residents toward bear and lynx in Austria. Ursus 11: 193-200.


Bath, A.J.  1998.  The role of human dimensions in wildlife resource research in wildlife management.  Ursus 10: 349-355.


Lohr, C.; W.B. Ballard and A.J. Bath. 1996. Attitudes toward grey wolf (Canis lupus) reintroduction to New Brunswick. Wildl. Soc. Bull Vol.24 (3): 414-420.


Kellert, S.R.; Black, M.; Rush, C.R. and A.J. Bath 1996.  Human culture and large carnivore conservation in North America.  Conservation Biology Journal. Vol.10 (4): 977-990.


Bath, A.J. 1996. Increasing the applicability of human dimensions research to large predators. Journal of Wildlife Research. Vol. 1 (2): 215-220.


Bath, A.J.; Filion, F.L; Duwors, E.; Jacquemot, A.; Gray, P; Boxall, P.; Bouchard, P.; Reid, R. 1996. Assessing the importance of wildlife to Canadians. Journal of Wildlife Research. 1(3): 287-291.


Gray, P.A.; E. DuWors; R. Reid; P. Boxall; F. Filion; A. Jacquemot; P. Bouchard and A. Bath 1995.  The importance of wildlife to Canadians.  Canadian Social Trends pp.30-34.


*Bath, A.J. 1994.  Who visits Yellowstone? A recreational profile of Yellowstone National Park visitors. Yellowstone Science. 2(2):15-18.


Chen, X.H.; P.A. Shelton and A.J. Bath. 1994.  Relationships between temperature and landing patterns in the southern Labrador and eastern Newfoundland inshore cod fishery.  Fisheries Oceanography.  3(3): 191-196.


Bath, A.J. 1994.  Public attitudes toward polar bears: An application of human dimensions in wildlife resources research. Pages 168-174. In I. Thompson, ed.  Proceedings of the International Union of Game Biologists XXI Congress. Vol. 1, Canadian Forest Service, Halifax, Canada. 379pp.


Gray, P.A.; P. Boxall; R. Reid; F. Filion; E. DuWors; A. Jacquemot; P. Bouchard and A. Bath. 1994. The importance of wildlife to Canadians: Results from three national surveys.  Pages 151-157.  In  I. Thompson, ed. Proceedings of the International Union of Game Biologists XXI Congress. Vol. 1, Canadian Forest Service, Halifax, Canada. 379pp.


Bright, A.D.; M.J. Manfredo; M. Fishbein and A.J. Bath. 1993.  Application of the theory of reasoned action to the National Park Service's controlled burn policy.  J. of Leisure Research. 25(3): 263-280.


Bath, A.J.  1991.  Public attitudes in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho toward wolf restoration in Yellowstone National Park.  Transactions of the 56th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. 56: 91-95.


Bath, A.J.  1989.  The public and wolf reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park.  Soc. and Nat. Res. 2: 297-306.


Bath, A.J. and T. Buchanan.  1989. Attitudes of interest groups in Wyoming toward wolf restoration in Yellowstone National Park.  Wildl. Soc. Bull. 17: 519-525.


Bath, A.J.  In prep. Human Dimensions in Natural Resource Management: Providing the tools to effectively address wildlife and protected areas issues.


Bath, A.J. 2013. Introduction to the Human Dimension (HD): A valuable research tool to achieve wildlife conservation objectives and Maned Wolf Conservation. In A. Consorte-McCrae eds. Conservation of the maned wolf. Chapter 19: 265-281.


Enck. J.W. and A.J. Bath. 2012. Human dimensions of scarce wildlife management. Chapter 14, pp.189-202. In D. Decker eds. Human dimensions of wildlife management.


Bath, A.J. 2009. Understanding and working with people to achieve wolf conservation. Pp. 172-199. In M.Musiani, P.Paquet and L. Boitani eds. A New era for Wolves and People: Wolf recovery, Human attitudes and Policy. University of Calgary Press, Calgary, AB. 282pp.


Bath, A.J. 2005. Human dimensions as a strategic tool for nature conservation: Using examples from Large Carnivores and Large Herbivores.  WWF Int’l. Commissioned work report. 63pp. (Submitted to the IUCN LCIE)


Enck, J. and A.J. Bath. 2001.  Restoration of wildlife species.  pp. 389-415. Chapter 16. In D. Decker eds. Human dimensions of wildlife management in North America. Wildlife Society


Bath, A.J. 2000.  Human dimensions in large carnivore management: Implications for managing large carnivores in Spain. pp. 43-49. Chapter 4. In Jorge F. Layna, Borga Heredia, Guillermo Palomero and Ignacio Doadrio eds. La conservacion del Oso pardo en Europa. Madrid, Spain. 205pp. ISBN 84-931561-0-8


Bath, A.J. 1999. Human dimension in wildlife management: gaining public acceptance for control and eradication of non-native terrestrial vertebrates.  pp. 121-125. Chapter 18. In Council of Europe eds. Workshop on the control and eradication of non-native terrestrial vertebrates. Strasbourg, France. 147pp. ISBN 92-871-4154-1


Bath, A.J. 1997. Depletion of a renewable resource: The loss of large carnivores. pp. 13-42. Chapter 2. In T. Fleming eds:  The Environment and Canadian Society. Nelson Publishing, Toronto, Canada. 344pp. ISBN 0-17-604920-7


Bath, A.J. 1992.  Identification and documentation of public attitudes toward wolf restoration in Yellowstone National Park.  pp. 3-30. Chapter 2.  In: J.D. Varley and W.G. Brewster eds.  Wolves for Yellowstone?  A Report to the United States Congress.  Volume IV.  Research and Analysis. National Park Service. Yellowstone National Park, Wy. 750pp.


Bath, A.J.  1991.  Public attitudes about wolf restoration in Yellowstone National Park.  pp. 367-376. Chapter 23. In R.B. Keiter and M.S. Boyce, eds.  The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem:  Redefining America's Wilderness Heritage.  Yale Univ. Press, New Haven, Conn. 428pp. ISBN 0-300-04970-6


Bath, A.J.  1991.  Yellowstone National Park visitor attitudes toward fire management issues in the park.  pp. 151-163. In J. Welsted and J. Everitt eds.  The Dauphin Papers:  Research by Prairie Geographers.  Brandon Geographical Studies No. 1.  184pp.


Research publications related to parks planning issues (national parks in Canada and the U.S, urban parks and international peace parks).

Many of these applied publications are peer-reviewed within government agencies and also sent out for external review before being accepted by the agency.


Bath, A.J. In prep. Understanding Armenian resident attitudes and values toward a proposed peace park in the Lake Arpi region border area of Armenia, Turkey and Georgia. Report produced for WWF Armenia and kfW (German government).


Bath, A.J. and B. Frank. 2012. Resident’s attitudes toward Mistaken Point. Report submitted to the Cape Race-Portugal Cove South Heritage Society Inc. (CR-PCS HS). 35pp.

Bath, A.J. 2012. Toward understanding and addressing key issues facing Striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (sGSL). Gulf Reg. Oceans Mgmt. Series. 2012/02 iv + 46pp. Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Cat. No. Fs 103-2/2012-2E.


Bath, A.J. 2012. Preliminary recommendations on consultation and engagement tools for use in public consultation processes. Gulf Reg. Oceans Mgmt. Series. 2012/02 iv +143pp. Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Cat No. Fs 103-2/2012


Bath, A.J. and B. Frank. 2012. Volunteering for Nature: How to engage people in conservation in protected areas of Canada. Report submitted to Parks Canada. 37pp.


Bath, A. J. 2011. Toward World Heritage Site status for Mistaken Point Ecological Reserve through working with people. Report submitted to Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Parks and Newfoundland and Labrador tourism Departments. Middle Cove, NL. 16pp.


Bath, A.J., Frank, B.F., Glikman, J.A., Kerezi, V. and C. Sponarski. 2011. Consultation Workbook Review and Development for the Atlantic Region. Technical Report for Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada. 35pp.


Bath, A.J. and B. Frank. 2011. Social, Educational and Cultural Aspects: Human Dimensions as a tool for bird conservation. Report submitted to the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats. European Conference on Illegal Killing of Birds held in Larnaca, Cyprus. 38pp.


Frank, B. and A.J. Bath. 2011. Human Dimensions in wild boar management in Lazio region: Toward understanding conflict and coexistence. Technical Report. 2009-2010. Regional Park Agency Lazio.


Bath, A. J. 2010. Results of a facilitated workshop with Wildlife Division personnel: Understanding and addressing the key issues facing wildlife management in Newfoundland and Labrador. Report produced for Wildlife Division, Corner Brook, NL. 34pp.


Bath, A. J. 2010. Understanding changes in attitudes toward and knowledge about forest management issues since 2006 on the island portion of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Report submitted to Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and Western Newfoundland Model Forest. 100pp.


Frank, B. and A.J. Bath. 2010. Human Dimensions in wild boar management in Lazio region: Toward understanding conflict and coexistence. Technical Report. 2008-2009. Regional Park Agency Lazio.


Glikman, J.A. and A.J. Bath. 2009. Human dimensions in wolf and brown
bear conservation issues in Monti Simbruini regional park. Technical Report. La Sapienza University of Rome, Memorial University. 61pp.


Bath, A.J. 2006. Human Dimensions in wolf conservation: Understanding trapper’s attitudes toward wolves in and around La Mauricie National Park of Canada. Report submitted to Parks Canada, Western Quebec Field Unit. Montreal, Quebec. 83pp.


Bath, A.J. 2006. Attitude and knowledge study of Newfoundland residents on moose and moose management in Terra Nova National Park of Canada.  Parks Canada Report. Glovertown, NL. 91pp.


Bath, A.J. 2005. Results of the Newfoundland marten public workshop. Report submitted to Western Newfoundland Model Forest, Newfoundland Marten Recovery Team. Corner Brook, NL. 35pp.


Bath, A.J. 2005. Engaging various interest groups regarding HD in wolf conservation issues in and around La Mauricie National Park of Canada. Parks Canada Report, Western Quebec Field Unit. Montreal, Quebec. 7pp.


Pitcher, J. and A.J. Bath. 2005. Human dimensions in Terra Nova National Park: Evaluating and understanding visitor, community, and staff knowledge levels towards Canada’s national park system. Report submitted to Parks Canada. Glovertown, NL.


Bath, A.J. 2005. Human dimensions issues in salmon management in the Northwest River, Terra Nova National Park.  Results of HD facilitated workshops with the NW River Working Group. Report submitted to Terra Nova National Park. Glovertown, NL.


Bath, A.J. 2005. Attitude and Knowledge Study: A brief summary of Western, Central and Terra Nova National Park resident attitudes toward and knowledge about the Newfoundland marten and marten management. Report submitted to Terra Nova National Park, Parks Canada Agency, and Heritage Foundation for Terra Nova National Park. Glovertown, NL, Canada. 71pp.


Bath, A.J. 2004. Attitude and Knowledge Study of Central Newfoundland residents on the Newfoundland marten and marten recovery on the island. Report submitted to Terra Nova National Park, Parks Canada Agency, and Heritage Foundation for Terra Nova National Park. Glovertown, NL, Canada. 150pp.


Bath, A.J. 2003. Western Newfoundland resident attitudes toward and knowledge about Newfoundland marten and marten recovery. Report submitted to Terra Nova National Park, Parks Canada Agency, and Heritage Foundation for Terra Nova National Park. Glovertown, NL, Canada. 133pp.


Bath, A.J. and J. Enck. 2003.  Wildlife-human interactions in Canadian and U.S. national parks. Social Science Research Review. Vol. 4 (1):1-32. U.S. National Park Service Science Series. Washington, DC.


Bath, A. J. 2002. Resident attitudes toward and knowledge about Newfoundland marten and marten recovery in Terra Nova National Park and Newfoundland. Report submitted to Terra Nova National Park, Parks Canada Agency. Glovertown, NL. Canada. 125pp.


Bath, A.J. 2000. Toward identifying and understanding the issues facing Pippy Park: Listening and involving the various publics, Grand Concourse Authority Report, St. John’s, NL. 93pp.


Bath, A.J. 1998.  Declining visitation to Terra Nova National Park – Ideas toward why? Parks Canada Agency, Terra Nova National Park. Glovertown, NL. 39pp.


Bath, A.J. 1997. Resident attitudes toward fire and fire management in Terra Nova National Park. Parks Canada Agency. Terra Nova National Park. 137pp.


Bath, A.J. 1997. Terra Nova National Park visitor attitudes toward and beliefs about moose, moose management and moose-vehicle collisions.  Parks Canada Agency, Terra Nova National Park. 108pp.


Bath, A.J. and K. Williams. 1994. Terra Nova National Park Visitor Attitudes Toward Interpretation Programs and Knowledge Assessment Study Progress Report. Parks Canada. Terra Nova National Park. 56pp.


Bath, A.J. 1992.  Identification and documentation of public attitudes toward wolf restoration in Yellowstone National Park.  In:  J.D. Varley and W.G. Brewster eds. Wolves for Yellowstone?  A Report to the United States Congress.  Volume III.  Executive Summaries. National Park Service. Yellowstone National Park, WY. pp.23-24. 63pp.


Bath, A.J.  1991.  An update on wolf restoration in Yellowstone National Park, Research Brief.  Human Dimensions in Wildlife Newsletter.  Vol. 10(3): 6.


Bath, A.J. and C. Phillips.  1990. Statewide Surveys of Montana and Idaho Resident Attitudes Toward Wolf Reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park.  Report submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. National Park Service, National Wildlife Federation, and Friends of Animals. 39pp.


Bath, A.J.  1990.  HD Research in Yellowstone National Park, Research Brief.  Human Dimensions in Wildlife Newsletter.  Vol. 9 (3): 22-24.


Bath, A.J. 1987.  Statewide Survey of the Wyoming General Public Attitude Towards Wolf Reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park.  U.S. National Park Service Report. Yellowstone National Park. 95pp.


Bath, A.J. 1987.  Countywide Survey of the General Public in Wyoming in Counties Around the Park Towards Wolf Reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park.  U.S. National Park Service Report. Yellowstone National Park. 97pp.


Research publications related to human dimensions in wildlife resource management 


Bath, A.J. and Engel, M.T. 2019. Public perceptions of seal and seal hunting in Newfoundland. Report submitted to IFAW. 37 pages.


Bath, A.J. and Engel, M.T. 2019. Predicting Public Acceptability of Lethal Control of Predators in Alberta. Report submitted to IFAW. 41 pages.




Many of these applied publications are peer-reviewed within government agencies or within the IUCN LCIE, and also sent out for external review before being accepted by the agency.


Bath, A.J. and K. Cowan. In prep. Human dimensions in wolf management in Zamora province, Spain.  Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe (LCIE) Publication.


Bath, A.J., H. Okarma and A. Olszanska. In prep. Human dimensions in wolf management in Poland.  Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe (LCIE) Publication.


Bath, A.J. 2005. Results of the Seminar on trans-boundary management of large carnivore populations.  Council of Europe Report. 3pp.


Majic Skrbinsek, A. and A.J. Bath.  2005.  Stavovi ruralne i urbane javnosti o vukovima u Hrvatskoj, Konacno izvjesce (Attitudes of rural and urban public toward wolves in Croatia, Final report - in Croatian). State Institute of Nature Protection, Zagreb, Croatia. 81pp.


Bath, A. J. 2002. Toward a comprehensive large herbivore educational resource inventory. LHI Publication.


Bath, A.J. 2001. Einstellungen gegenuber dem Wolf. Wolf Magazin 1:46-47.


Bath, A.J. 2001. La dimension humaine dans la gestion du loup. Infoloups No. 8: 3-4


Bath, A.J. 2000. A Look Beyond: Attitudes toward the wolf. International Wolf. Vol.10 (3): 31-32.


Bath, A.J. and A. Majic 2000.  Human dimensions in wolf management in Croatia: understanding attitudes and beliefs of residents in Gorski kotar, Lika and Dalmatia toward wolves and wolf management.  Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe (LCIE) Publication. 171pp.


Bath, A.J. 2000. Human dimensions in wolf management in Savoie and Des Alpes Maritimes, France: Results targeted toward designing a more effective communication campaign and building better public awareness materials.  Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe (LCIE) and Council of Europe Publication. 147pp.


Bath, A.J. and D. Tavares 2000. Toward a comprehensive large carnivore educational resources inventory: Work in progress.  Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe (LCIE) Publication. 20pp.


Bath, A.J. and L. Farmer. 2000.  Europe’s carnivores: A survey of children’s attitudes towards wolves, bears and otters.  WWF-UK report. 9pp.


Research publications related to model forests, rural development and other wildlife-related publications

Many of these applied publications are peer-reviewed within government agencies and also sent out for external review before being accepted by the agency.


Bath, A. J. 2010. Results of a facilitated workshop with Wildlife Division personnel: Understanding and addressing the key issues facing wildlife management in Newfoundland and Labrador. Report produced for Wildlife Division, Corner Brook, NL. 34pp.


Bath, A. J. 2010. Understanding changes in attitudes toward and knowledge about forest management issues since 2006 on the island portion of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Report submitted to Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and Western Newfoundland Model Forest. 100pp.


Bath, A.J. 2006. Attitude and Knowledge Study of Newfoundland residents on understanding forest management issues on the island portion of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Report submitted to Provincial Forestry, Government of NL and Western Newfoundland Model Forest. Corner Brook, NL. 86pp.


Bath, A.J. 2005. Human dimensions of provincial forestry issues: Results of facilitated discussion. 12pp. Submitted to NL Provincial Forestry and Western Newfoundland Model Forest (WNMF).


Bath, A.J. 2005. Results of the HD facilitated workshop on domestic woodcutting issues in NL. Report submitted to WNMF.


Pitcher, J., T. Baldwin, A.J. Bath et al. 2003. Best practices in Canadian Rural Development: Regional Perspectives. Canadian Rural Partnership Rural Development Initiative Rural Secretariat. 115pp.


Bath, A.J. 1998. Understanding non-timber values of Fundy Model Forest: Results of focus groups with various interest groups. Forestry Canada Tech. Rep. Fredericton, New Brunswick.


Bath, A.J. 1996. Human dimensions in wildlife resources management in Nova Scotia: Getting and keeping the public on side in wildlife management, Phase I, Results of a scoping exercise with various interest groups. Report submitted to N.S. Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Division. 89pp.


Bath, A.J. 1996. Integrating the social component into forestry management. Canadian Institute of Forestry Conference Proceedings. Gander, Newfoundland. 7pp.


Filion, F.L.; E. DuWors; P. Boxall; P. Bouchard; R. Reid; P.A. Gray; A. Bath; A. Jacquemot; G. Legare. 1993. The Importance of Wildlife to Canadians: Highlights of the 1991 Survey. Canadian Wildlife Service. Ottawa, ON. 60pp.


Filion, F.L.; E. DuWors; A. Jacquemot; A. Bath; P. Bouchard; P.A. Gray; P. Boxall and R. Reid. 1993.  The Importance of Wildlife to Canadians: Preliminary Survey Highlights for Canada and the Provinces in 1991.  Canadian Wildlife Service Special Report #14. 42pp.


Bath, A.J.  1989.  Public Attitudes Toward Bears:  Implications to the Management of Black and Grizzly Bears in the Yukon.  Yukon Department of Renewable Resources Report. 81pp.


Bath, A.J.  1988.  A Study of Yukoners' Attitudes Toward the Environment:  A Proposal for Implementation. Yukon Department of Renewable Resources Report.  50pp.


Bath, A.J.  1988.  Attaining greater visibility for HDWSG:  A suggestion. Human Dimensions in Wildlife Newsletter. Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 12-13.


Bath, A.J., H. Dueck and S. Herrero 1988.  Carnivore Conservation Areas: A Potential For Comprehensive, Integrated Management.   World Wildlife Fund Canada Report. 103pp.


Buchanan, T., A.J. Bath et al.  1987. Regional Recreation Monitoring Program for Southwest  Wyoming. Exxon LaBarge Project. 206 pp.


Bath, A.J.  1986.  Sheep Mountain Fire Management Analysis Scoping Statement.  U.S. Forest Service (Medicine Bow), Laramie, Wyoming. 9pp.


Research publications related to water resource management issues

Many of these applied publications are peer-reviewed within government agencies and also sent out for external review before being accepted by the agency.


Bath, A.J. 1996. Book Review: From Cape Cod to the Bay of Fundy: An Environmental Atlas of the Gulf of Maine. Cartographica.


Bath, A.J.  1996.  My view of the Harbour. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Urban Watershed Management Workshop.  FLOW and ACAP, Inc.  pp. 20-22.


Bath, A.J. 1995. Public attitudes toward water quality issues in the Humber Arm, Newfoundland. Report submitted to the Humber Arm Environmental Association Inc. 92pp.


Bath, A.J. 1995. Public Attitudes Toward Water Quality Issues in St. John's Harbour, Nfld. Report submitted to St. John's Harbour ACAP Inc. 41pp.


Bath, A.J.  1995.  Public attitudes toward water quality issues in St. John's Harbour, Newfoundland, Canada.  Coastal Zone 95 Proceedings, Tampa, FL. pp 298-299.


Bath, A.J.  1993.  The Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP) in St. John's, Newfoundland:  Addressing Water Quality in St. John's Harbour and the Surrounding Area. A report to St. John's Harbour ACAP Inc.  51pp.


Bath, A.J. and L. Langwieder. 1993.  Multistakeholder attitudes toward, and knowledge about water pollution in St. John's Harbour, Newfoundland.  In: J. Holland and M. Wadleigh eds. The scientific challenge of our changing environment: Proceedings of a Conference Addressing Environmental Change in Newfoundland and Labrador and Similar Regions. pp.18-19.


Bath, A.J.; L. Langwieder and R. Haedrich. 1992.  Acap in St. John's, Newfoundland: Results of the Two Day Workshop and Planning Direction for the Future. A Report to Environment Canada Inland Waters. November 1992. 26pp.


Langwieder, L; A.J. Bath and R. Haedrich. 1992.  Acap In St. John's, Newfoundland: Workshop Planning and Bibliographic List. A Report to Environment Canada Inland Waters. September 1992. 36pp.


Bath, A.J.; L. Langwieder and R. Haedrich. 1992.  Acap in St. John's, Newfoundland: Results of the Interview Process with Possible Stakeholders. A Report to Environment Canada Inland Waters. August 1992. 35pp.


Langwieder, L.; A.J. Bath and R. Haedrich.  1992. Beginnings of Acap in St. John's Newfoundland:  Initial Meeting, Media and the Next Step. A Report to Environment Canada Inland Waters. July 1992. 24pp.


Selected Research publications resulting from facilitating workshops or processes


Bath, A. J. 2018.  Plamu Summit Workshop Results: Toward understanding and addressing the key issues facing salmon and salmon management. Campbellton, NB. 87pp.

Bulgarian Wolf Management Team. 2015.  Bulgarian Wolf Management Plan. Sofia, Bulgaria


Alaska Wood Bison Management Planning Team. 2015. Wood Bison Management Plan for Lower Innoko/Yukon River in Westcentral Alaska 2015-2020. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation. 15pp. Wildlife Management Plan, ADF&G/DWC/WMP-2015-1


Bath, A.J. 2008.  Toward understanding and addressing the key issues facing St. Bonaventure’s College. Report submitted to St. Bon’s. 29pp.


Bulgarian Brown Bear Management Team. 2008.  Bulgarian Brown Bear Management Plan. Sofia, Bulgaria


Croatian Wolf Management Team 2005.  Wolf Management Plan for Croatia. Towards understanding and addressing key issues in wolf management planning in Croatia. Zagreb, Croatia. 108pp.

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