Listening to people and working toward solutions
Through an objective listening process, we build trust and credibility amongst groups and guarantee that all voices are equally heard. Individual meetings with key representatives of different groups provide the starting point for in-depth analysis and understanding of how different groups perceive a specific issue, and how they stand in relation to each other.
Our mixed-methods approach ensures a quantitative representative picture of how various interest groups (often called stakeholders) use and perceive wildlife and natural resources, but also through our qualitative collection of stories we ensure the flavour and passion behind the numbers are understood and documented.
In building relationships with communities and key interest groups, there must be the ability to share the results back to the community and to the broader public interested in natural resources management and conservation.
Our approach is about building strong and lasting relationships, overcoming trust and credibility conflicts and ensuring the relationship between different interest groups blossom as they share their views with each other in a safe and productive environment.
We fully understand that you don’t “talk to” the people, but you listen to the people.
We guarantee those loud vocal viewpoints are balanced by understanding how the public feels about the issues being addressed.
We ensure that stories are captured and shared with the public involved, scientific and non-scientific audiences.
We realize that to simply “engage” communities isn’t enough for successful management and conservation efforts to occur.
On line options available
Conflict between interest groups often emerges when values, beliefs, and needs of groups diverge. We offer the expertise to identify common ground amongst the groups and move forward in reaching agreements.
Followed by an objective listening process, we implement the Applied Human Dimensions Facilitated Workshop Approach, where groups have the opportunity to openly share and discuss their issues, identify where they stand in relation to each other, and find ways to reach consensus.
Equipped with more than three decades of facilitation experience, we offer professional guidance to facilitate meetings and discussion groups that are usually centred around controversial or sensitive issues.
We offer the expertise to conduct productive and efficient decision-making processes while working cooperatively with all interest groups.
We offer a Fundamentals of Human Dimensions of Wildlife and Natural Resources & Conflict Resolution training course to various publics, including NGOs, governmental agencies, university faculty and students.
Option 1. Short training consisting of one full day, covering an overview of the field and key ways to identify and solve conflicts.
Option 2. Full training consisting of 4-days, covering a wider range of topics in HDNR, and going more in-depth on conflict resolution techniques, where participants have the opportunity to practice their learnings and interact with others.
Option 3. Training plus a strategic planning session with your organization.
We offer professional and objective scientific research that helps clients to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate the implementation of new management programs, laws, regulations or decisions.
With a strong reputation on data collection and analysis, we offer visual tools and graphs that help clients to communicate statistical results that are understandable across different interest groups and publics.
Grounded on well-established theories and approaches, we offer a detailed understanding of human behaviours, individual’s perceptions, and support/opposition to different actions.
Our services can help you to make decisions and work effectively with the public. We work across a variety of areas, including:

management plans | conservation strategies | species reintroduction | human-wildlife interaction

visitors motivations | local impacts and acceptance | cultural carrying capacity | uses | planning | management | monitoring

motivations | experience | impacts | satisfaction | planning | management | monitoring

land use and cover | public access on private lands | recreation | fishing | hunting

marine management | biodiversity conservation | protected areas | uses | values | ethics

risk perception | climate attitudes and beliefs | policy support | adaptation
More than 30-years of experience in working with communities, First Nations, governments, park staff, NGOs, university students and faculty, to achieve management and conservation objectives around the globe.
Meet The Team

Dr. Alistair Bath
President of Bath and Associates
Chief Conflict Resolution and Group Facilitation

Colette Phillips
Monica Engel